
Multi-view vs. Single-view KMeans

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import multivariate_normal
from mvlearn.cluster.mv_k_means import MultiviewKMeans
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import normalized_mutual_info_score as nmi_score
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import warnings

A function to generate 2 views of data for 2 classes

This function takes parameters for means, variances, and number of samples for class and generates data based on those parameters. The underlying probability distribution of the data is a multivariate gaussian distribution.

def create_data(seed, vmeans, vvars, num_per_class=500):

    data = [[],[]]

    for view in range(2):
        for comp in range(len(vmeans[0])):
            cov = np.eye(2) * vvars[view][comp]
            comp_samples = np.random.multivariate_normal(vmeans[view][comp], cov, size=num_per_class)
    for view in range(2):
        data[view] = np.vstack(data[view])

    labels = list()
    for ind in range(len(vmeans[0])):
        labels.append(ind * np.ones(num_per_class,))

    labels = np.concatenate(labels)

    return data, labels

Creating a function to display data and the results of clustering

The following function plots both views of data given a dataset and corresponding labels.

def display_plots(pre_title, data, labels):

    # plot the views
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,5))
    ax[0].scatter(data[0][:, 0], data[0][:, 1],c=labels,s=dot_size)
    ax[0].set_title(pre_title + ' View 1')

    ax[1].scatter(data[1][:, 0], data[1][:, 1],c=labels,s=dot_size)
    ax[1].set_title(pre_title + ' View 2')

Creating a function to perform both single-view and multi-view kmeans clustering

In the following function, we will perform single-view kmeans clustering on the two views separately and on them concatenated together. We also perform multi-view clustering using the multi-view algorithm. We will also compare the performance of multi-view and single-view versions of kmeans clustering. We will evaluate the purity of the resulting clusters from each algorithm with respect to the class labels using the normalized mutual information metric.

def perform_clustering(seed, m_data, labels, n_clusters):
    #################Single-view kmeans clustering#####################
    # Cluster each view separately
    s_kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=seed, n_init=100)
    s_clusters_v1 = s_kmeans.fit_predict(m_data[0])
    s_clusters_v2 = s_kmeans.fit_predict(m_data[1])

    # Concatenate the multiple views into a single view
    s_data = np.hstack(m_data)
    s_clusters = s_kmeans.fit_predict(s_data)

    # Compute nmi between true class labels and single-view cluster labels
    s_nmi_v1 = nmi_score(labels, s_clusters_v1)
    s_nmi_v2 = nmi_score(labels, s_clusters_v2)
    s_nmi = nmi_score(labels, s_clusters)
    print('Single-view View 1 NMI Score: {0:.3f}\n'.format(s_nmi_v1))
    print('Single-view View 2 NMI Score: {0:.3f}\n'.format(s_nmi_v2))
    print('Single-view Concatenated NMI Score: {0:.3f}\n'.format(s_nmi))

    #################Multi-view kmeans clustering######################

    # Use the MultiviewKMeans instance to cluster the data
    m_kmeans = MultiviewKMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init=100, random_state=seed)
    m_clusters = m_kmeans.fit_predict(m_data)

    # Compute nmi between true class labels and multi-view cluster labels
    m_nmi = nmi_score(labels, m_clusters)
    print('Multi-view NMI Score: {0:.3f}\n'.format(m_nmi))

    return m_clusters

General experimentation procedures

For each of the experiments below, we run both single-view kmeans clustering and multi-view kmeans clustering. For evaluating single-view performance, we run the algorithm on each view separately as well as all views concatenated together. We evalaute performance using normalized mutual information, which is a measure of cluster purity with respect to the true labels. For both algorithms, we use an n_init value of 100, which means that we run each algorithm across 100 random cluster initializations and select the best clustering results with respect to cluster inertia (within cluster sum-of-squared distances).

Performance when cluster components in both views are well separated

Cluster components 1: * Mean: [3, 3] (both views) * Covariance = I (both views)

Cluster components 2: * Mean = [0, 0] (both views) * Covariance = I (both views)

As we can see, multi-view kmeans clustering performs about as well as single-view kmeans clustering for the concatenated views, and both of these perform better than on single-view clustering for just one view.

v1_means = [[3, 3], [0, 0]]
v2_means = [[3, 3], [0, 0]]
v1_vars = [1, 1]
v2_vars = [1, 1]
vmeans = [v1_means, v2_means]
vvars = [v1_vars, v2_vars]

data, labels = create_data(RANDOM_SEED, vmeans, vvars)
m_clusters = perform_clustering(RANDOM_SEED, data, labels, 2)
display_plots('Ground Truth' ,data, labels)
display_plots('Multi-view Clustering' ,data, m_clusters)
Single-view View 1 NMI Score: 0.901

Single-view View 2 NMI Score: 0.888

Single-view Concatenated NMI Score: 0.990

Multi-view NMI Score: 0.990

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

Performance when cluster components are relatively inseparable (highly overlapping) in both views

Cluster components 1: * Mean: [0.5, 0.5] (both views) * Covariance = I (both views)

Cluster components 2: * Mean = [0, 0] (both views) * Covariance = I (both views)

As we can see, multi-view kmeans clustering performs about as poorly as single-view kmeans clustering across both individual views and concatenated views as inputs.

v1_means = [[0.5, 0.5], [0, 0]]
v2_means = [[0.5, 0.5], [0, 0]]
v1_vars = [1, 1]
v2_vars = [1, 1]
vmeans = [v1_means, v2_means]
vvars = [v1_vars, v2_vars]

data, labels = create_data(RANDOM_SEED, vmeans, vvars)
m_clusters = perform_clustering(RANDOM_SEED, data, labels, 2)
display_plots('Ground Truth' ,data, labels)
display_plots('Multi-view Clustering' ,data, m_clusters)
Single-view View 1 NMI Score: 0.062

Single-view View 2 NMI Score: 0.044

Single-view Concatenated NMI Score: 0.098

Multi-view NMI Score: 0.110

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

Performance when cluster components are somewhat separable (somewhat overlapping) in both views

Cluster components 1: * Mean: [1.5, 1.5] (both views) * Covariance = I (both views)

Cluster components 2: * Mean = [0, 0] (both views) * Covariance = I (both views)

Again we can see that multi-view kmeans clustering performs about as well as single-view kmeans clustering for the concatenated views, and both of these perform better than on single-view clustering for just one view.

v1_means = [[1.5, 1.5], [0, 0]]
v2_means = [[1.5, 1.5], [0, 0]]
v1_vars = [1, 1]
v2_vars = [1, 1]
vmeans = [v1_means, v2_means]
vvars = [v1_vars, v2_vars]

data, labels = create_data(RANDOM_SEED, vmeans, vvars)
m_clusters = perform_clustering(RANDOM_SEED, data, labels, 2)
display_plots('Ground Truth' ,data, labels)
display_plots('Multi-view Clustering' ,data, m_clusters)
Single-view View 1 NMI Score: 0.425

Single-view View 2 NMI Score: 0.410

Single-view Concatenated NMI Score: 0.657

Multi-view NMI Score: 0.632

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>

Performance when cluster components are highly overlapping in one view

Cluster components 1: * Mean: View 1 = [0.5, 0.5], View 2 = [2, 2] * Covariance = I (both views)

Cluster components 2: * Mean = [0, 0] (both views) * Covariance = I (both views)

As we can see, multi-view kmeans clustering performs worse than single-view kmeans clustering with concatenated views as inputs and with the best view as the input.

v1_means = [[0.5, 0.5], [0, 0]]
v2_means = [[2, 2], [0, 0]]
v1_vars = [1, 1]
v2_vars = [1, 1]
vmeans = [v1_means, v2_means]
vvars = [v1_vars, v2_vars]

data, labels = create_data(RANDOM_SEED, vmeans, vvars)
m_clusters = perform_clustering(RANDOM_SEED, data, labels, 2)
display_plots('Ground Truth' ,data, labels)
display_plots('Multi-view Clustering' ,data, m_clusters)
Single-view View 1 NMI Score: 0.062

Single-view View 2 NMI Score: 0.608

Single-view Concatenated NMI Score: 0.616

Multi-view NMI Score: 0.591

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>


Here, we have seen some of the limitations of multi-view kmeans clustering. From the experiments above, it is apparent that multi-view kmeans clustering performs equally as well or worse than single-view kmeans clustering on concatenated data when views are informative but the data is fairly simple (i.e. only has 2 features per view). However, it is clear that the multi-view kmeans algorithm does perform better on well separated cluster components than it does on highly overlapping cluster components, which does validate it’s basic functionality as a clustering algorithm.