Cotraining classification performance in simulated multiview scenarios

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

import numpy as np
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from mvlearn.semi_supervised import CTClassifier
from mvlearn.datasets import load_UCImultifeature

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

Function to create 2 class data

This function is used to generate examples for 2 classes from multivariate normal distributions. Once the examples are generated, it splits them into training and testing sets and returns the needed information

def create_data(seed, class2_mean_center, view1_var, view2_var, N_per_class, view2_class2_mean_center=1):


    view1_mu0 = np.zeros(2,)
    view1_mu1 = class2_mean_center  * np.ones(2,) #
    view1_cov = view1_var*np.eye(2)

    view2_mu0 = np.zeros(2,)
    view2_mu1 = view2_class2_mean_center * np.ones(2,)
    view2_cov = view2_var*np.eye(2)

    view1_class0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view1_mu0, view1_cov, size=N_per_class)
    view1_class1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view1_mu1, view1_cov, size=N_per_class)

    view2_class0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view2_mu0, view2_cov, size=N_per_class)
    view2_class1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view2_mu1, view2_cov, size=N_per_class)

    View1 = np.concatenate((view1_class0, view1_class1))
    View2 = np.concatenate((view2_class0, view2_class1))
    Labels = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N_per_class,), np.ones(N_per_class,)))

    # Split both views into testing and training
    View1_train, View1_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View1, Labels, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
    View2_train, View2_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View2, Labels, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

    labels_train = labels_train_full.copy()
    labels_test = labels_test_full.copy()

    return View1_train, View2_train, labels_train, labels_train.copy(), View1_test, View2_test, labels_test

Function to do predictions on single or concatenated view data

This function is used create classifiers for single or concatenated views and return their predictions.

def single_view_class(v1_train, labels_train, v1_test, labels_test, v2_train, v2_test, v2_solver, v2_penalty):

    gnb0 = LogisticRegression()
    gnb1 = LogisticRegression(solver=v2_solver, penalty=v2_penalty)
    gnb2 = LogisticRegression()

    # Train on only the examples with labels, labels_train)
    y_pred0 = gnb0.predict(v1_test), labels_train)
    y_pred1 = gnb1.predict(v2_test)

    accuracy_view1 = (accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred0))
    accuracy_view2 = (accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred1))

    # Concatenate views in naive way and train model
    combined_labeled = np.hstack((v1_train, v2_train))
    combined_test = np.hstack((v1_test, v2_test)), labels_train)
    y_pred2 = gnb2.predict(combined_test)

    accuracy_combined = (accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred2))

    return accuracy_view1, accuracy_view2, accuracy_combined

Function to create 2 class scatter plots with labeled data shown

This function is used to create scatter plots of the 2 class data as well as show the samples that are labeled, making it easier to understand what distributions the simulations are dealing with

def scatterplot_classes(not_removed, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_train, View2_train):

    idx_train_0 = np.where(labels_train_full==0)
    idx_train_1 = np.where(labels_train_full==1)

    labeled_idx_class0 = not_removed[np.where(labels_train[not_removed]==0)]
    labeled_idx_class1 = not_removed[np.where(labels_train[not_removed]==1)]

    # plot the views
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,5))

    ax[0].scatter(View1_train[idx_train_0,0], View1_train[idx_train_0,1])
    ax[0].scatter(View1_train[idx_train_1,0], View1_train[idx_train_1,1])
    ax[0].scatter(View1_train[labeled_idx_class0,0], View1_train[labeled_idx_class0,1], s=300, marker='X')
    ax[0].scatter(View1_train[labeled_idx_class1,0], View1_train[labeled_idx_class1,1], s=300, marker='X')
    ax[0].set_title('One Randomization of View 1')
    ax[0].legend(('Class 0', 'Class 1', 'Labeled Class 0', 'Labeled Class 1'))

    ax[1].scatter(View2_train[idx_train_0,0], View2_train[idx_train_0,1])
    ax[1].scatter(View2_train[idx_train_1,0], View2_train[idx_train_1,1])
    ax[1].scatter(View2_train[labeled_idx_class0,0], View1_train[labeled_idx_class0,1], s=300, marker='X')
    ax[1].scatter(View2_train[labeled_idx_class1,0], View1_train[labeled_idx_class1,1], s=300, marker='X')
    ax[1].set_title('One Randomization of View 2')
    ax[1].legend(('Class 0', 'Class 1', 'Labeled Class 0', 'Labeled Class 1'))

Performance on simulated data

General Experimental Setup

  • Below are the results from simulated data testing of the cotraining classifier with different classification problems (class distributions)
  • Results are averaged over 20 randomizations, where a single randomization means using a new seed to generate examples from 2 class distributions and then randomly selecting about 1% of the training data as labeled and leaving the rest unlabeled
  • 500 examples per class, with 70% used for training and 30% for testing
  • For a randomization, train 4 classifiers
    1. Classifier trained on view 1 labeled data only
    2. Classifier trained on view 2 labeled data only
    3. Classifier trained on concatenation of labeled features from views 1 and 2
    4. multivew CTClassifier trained on views 1 and 2
      • For this, test classification accuracy after different numbers of cotraining iterations to see trajectory of classification accuracy
  • Classification Method:
    • Logistic Regression
      • ‘l2’ penalty for view 1 and ‘l1’ penalty for view 2 to ensure independence between the classifiers in the views. This is important because a key aspect of cotraining is view independence, which can either be enforced by completely independent data, or by using an independent classifier for each view, such as using different parameters with the same type of classifier, or two different classification algorithms.

Performance when classes are well separated and labeled examples are randomly chosen

Here, the 2 class distributions are the following - Class 0 mean: [0, 0] - Class 0 covariance: .2eye(2) - Class 1 mean: [1, 1] - Class 1 covariance: .2eye(2)

Labeled examples are chosen randomly from the training set

randomizations = 20
N_per_class = 500
view2_penalty = 'l1'
view2_solver = 'liblinear'

N_iters = np.arange(1, 202, 15)
acc_ct = [[] for _ in N_iters]
acc_view1 = []
acc_view2 = []
acc_combined = []

for count, iters in enumerate(N_iters):

    for seed in range(randomizations):

        ######################### Create Data ###########################
        View1_train, View2_train, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_test, View2_test, labels_test = create_data(seed, 1, .2, .2, N_per_class)

        # randomly remove some labels
        remove_idx = np.random.rand(len(labels_train),) < .99
        labels_train[remove_idx] = np.nan
        not_removed = np.where(remove_idx==False)[0]

        # make sure both classes have at least 1 labeled example
        if len(set(labels_train[not_removed])) != 2:

        if seed == 0 and count == 0:
            scatterplot_classes(not_removed, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_train, View2_train)

        ############## Single view semi-supervised learning ##############
        # Only do this calculation once, since not affected by number of iterations
        if count == 0:
            accuracy_view1, accuracy_view2, accuracy_combined = single_view_class(View1_train[not_removed,:].squeeze(),


        ##################### Multiview ########################################
        gnb0 = LogisticRegression()
        gnb1 = LogisticRegression(solver=view2_solver, penalty=view2_penalty)
        ctc = CTClassifier(gnb0, gnb1, num_iter=iters)[View1_train, View2_train], labels_train)
        y_pred_ct = ctc.predict([View1_test, View2_test])
        acc_ct[count].append((accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred_ct)))

acc_view1 = np.mean(acc_view1)
acc_view2 = np.mean(acc_view2)
acc_combined = np.mean(acc_combined)
acc_ct = [sum(row) / float(len(row)) for row in acc_ct]
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
# make a figure from the data
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view1*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view2*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_combined*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_ct)
plt.legend(('View 1', 'View 2', 'Naive Concatenated', 'multiview'))
plt.ylabel("Average Accuracy Over {} Randomizations".format(randomizations))
plt.xlabel('Iterations of Co-Training')
plt.title('When Views are Independent and Labeled Samples are Random\nCoTraining Outperforms Single Views and Naive Concatenation')

Performance when one view is totally redundant

Here, the 2 class distributions are the following - Class 0 mean: [0, 0] - Class 0 covariance: .2eye(2) - Class 1 mean: [1, 1] - Class 1 covariance: .2eye(2)

Views 1 and 2 hold the exact same samples

Labeled examples are chosen randomly from the training set

randomizations = 20
N_per_class = 500
view2_penalty = 'l1'
view2_solver = 'liblinear'

N_iters = np.arange(1, 202, 15)
acc_ct = [[] for _ in N_iters]
acc_view1 = []
acc_view2 = []
acc_combined = []

for count, iters in enumerate(N_iters):

    for seed in range(randomizations):

        ######################### Create Data ###########################
        View1_train, View2_train, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_test, View2_test, labels_test = create_data(seed, 1, .2, .2, N_per_class)

        View2_train = View1_train.copy()
        View2_test = View1_test.copy()

        # randomly remove some labels
        remove_idx = np.random.rand(len(labels_train),) < .99
        labels_train[remove_idx] = np.nan
        not_removed = np.where(remove_idx==False)[0]

        # make sure both classes have at least 1 labeled example
        if len(set(labels_train[not_removed])) != 2:

        if seed == 0 and count == 0:
            scatterplot_classes(not_removed, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_train, View2_train)

        ############## Single view semi-supervised learning ##############
        # Only do this calculation once, since not affected by number of iterations
        if count == 0:
            accuracy_view1, accuracy_view2, accuracy_combined = single_view_class(View1_train[not_removed,:].squeeze(),


        ##################### Multiview ########################################
        gnb0 = LogisticRegression()
        gnb1 = LogisticRegression(solver=view2_solver, penalty=view2_penalty)
        ctc = CTClassifier(gnb0, gnb1, num_iter=iters)[View1_train, View2_train], labels_train)
        y_pred_ct = ctc.predict([View1_test, View2_test])
        acc_ct[count].append((accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred_ct)))

acc_view1 = np.mean(acc_view1)
acc_view2 = np.mean(acc_view2)
acc_combined = np.mean(acc_combined)
acc_ct = [sum(row) / float(len(row)) for row in acc_ct]

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
# make a figure from the data
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view1*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view2*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_combined*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_ct)
plt.legend(('View 1', 'View 2', 'Naive Concatenated', 'multiview'))
plt.ylabel("Average Accuracy Over {} Randomizations".format(randomizations))
plt.xlabel('Iterations of Co-Training')
plt.title('When One View is Completely Redundant\nCoTraining Performs Worse Than\nSingle View or View Concatenation')

Performance when one view is inseparable

Here, the 2 class distributions are the following for the first view - Class 0 mean: [0, 0] - Class 0 covariance: .2eye(2) - Class 1 mean: [1, 1] - Class 1 covariance: .2eye(2)

For the second view: - Class 0 mean: [0, 0] - Class 0 covariance: .2eye(2) - Class 1 mean: [0, 0] - Class 1 covariance: .2eye(2)

Labeled examples are chosen randomly from the training set

randomizations = 20
N_per_class = 500
view2_penalty = 'l1'
view2_solver = 'liblinear'

N_iters = np.arange(1, 202, 15)
acc_ct = [[] for _ in N_iters]
acc_view1 = []
acc_view2 = []
acc_combined = []

for count, iters in enumerate(N_iters):

    for seed in range(randomizations):

        ######################### Create Data ###########################
        View1_train, View2_train, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_test, View2_test, labels_test = create_data(seed,

        # randomly remove some labels
        remove_idx = np.random.rand(len(labels_train),) < .99
        labels_train[remove_idx] = np.nan
        not_removed = np.where(remove_idx==False)[0]

        # make sure both classes have at least 1 labeled example
        if len(set(labels_train[not_removed])) != 2:

        if seed == 0 and count == 0:
            scatterplot_classes(not_removed, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_train, View2_train)

        ############## Single view semi-supervised learning ##############
        # Only do this calculation once, since not affected by number of iterations
        if count == 0:
            accuracy_view1, accuracy_view2, accuracy_combined = single_view_class(View1_train[not_removed,:].squeeze(),


        ##################### Multiview ########################################
        gnb0 = LogisticRegression()
        gnb1 = LogisticRegression(solver=view2_solver, penalty=view2_penalty)
        ctc = CTClassifier(gnb0, gnb1, num_iter=iters)[View1_train, View2_train], labels_train)
        y_pred_ct = ctc.predict([View1_test, View2_test])
        acc_ct[count].append((accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred_ct)))

acc_view1 = np.mean(acc_view1)
acc_view2 = np.mean(acc_view2)
acc_combined = np.mean(acc_combined)
acc_ct = [sum(row) / float(len(row)) for row in acc_ct]

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
# make a figure from the data
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view1*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view2*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_combined*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_ct)
plt.legend(('View 1', 'View 2', 'Naive Concatenated', 'multiview'))
plt.ylabel("Average Accuracy Over {} Randomizations".format(randomizations))
plt.xlabel('Iterations of Co-Training')
plt.title('When One View is Uninformative\nCoTraining Performs Worse Than Single View')

Performance when labeled data is excellent

Here, the 2 class distributions are the following - Class 0 mean: [0, 0] - Class 0 covariance: .2eye(2) - Class 1 mean: [1, 1] - Class 1 covariance: .2eye(2)

Labeled examples are chosen to be very close to the mean of their respective class - Normally distributed around their class mean with standard deviation 0.05 in both dimensions

randomizations = 20
N_per_class = 500
num_perfect = 3
perfect_scale = 0.05
view2_penalty = 'l1'
view2_solver = 'liblinear'

N_iters = np.arange(1, 202, 15)
acc_ct = [[] for _ in N_iters]
acc_view1 = []
acc_view2 = []
acc_combined = []

for count, iters in enumerate(N_iters):

    for seed in range(randomizations):

        ######################### Create Data ###########################

        view1_mu0 = np.zeros(2,)
        view1_mu1 = np.ones(2,)
        view1_cov = .2*np.eye(2)

        view2_mu0 = np.zeros(2,)
        view2_mu1 = np.ones(2,)
        view2_cov = .2*np.eye(2)

        # generage perfect examples
        perfect_class0_v1 = view1_mu0 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=perfect_scale, size=view1_mu0.shape)
        perfect_class0_v2 = view1_mu0 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=perfect_scale, size=view1_mu0.shape)
        perfect_class1_v1 = view1_mu1 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=perfect_scale, size=view1_mu1.shape)
        perfect_class1_v2 = view1_mu1 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=perfect_scale, size=view1_mu1.shape)
        for p in range(1, num_perfect):
            perfect_class0_v1 = np.vstack((perfect_class0_v1, view1_mu0 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.01, size=view1_mu0.shape)))
            perfect_class0_v2 = np.vstack((perfect_class0_v2, view1_mu0 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.01, size=view1_mu0.shape)))
            perfect_class1_v1 = np.vstack((perfect_class1_v1, view1_mu1 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.01, size=view1_mu1.shape)))
            perfect_class1_v2 = np.vstack((perfect_class1_v2, view1_mu1 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.01, size=view1_mu1.shape)))
        perfect_labels = np.zeros(num_perfect,)
        perfect_labels = np.concatenate((perfect_labels, np.ones(num_perfect,)))

        view1_class0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view1_mu0, view1_cov, size=N_per_class)
        view1_class1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view1_mu1, view1_cov, size=N_per_class)

        view2_class0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view2_mu0, view2_cov, size=N_per_class)
        view2_class1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view2_mu1, view2_cov, size=N_per_class)

        View1 = np.concatenate((view1_class0, view1_class1))
        View2 = np.concatenate((view2_class0, view2_class1))
        Labels = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N_per_class,), np.ones(N_per_class,)))

        # Split both views into testing and training
        View1_train, View1_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View1, Labels, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
        View2_train, View2_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View2, Labels, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

        labels_train = labels_train_full.copy()
        labels_test = labels_test_full.copy()

        # Add the perfect examples
        View1_train = np.vstack((View1_train, perfect_class0_v1, perfect_class1_v1))
        View2_train = np.vstack((View2_train, perfect_class0_v2, perfect_class1_v2))
        labels_train = np.concatenate((labels_train, perfect_labels))

        # randomly remove all but perfect labeled samples
        remove_idx = [True for i in range(len(labels_train)-2*num_perfect)]
        for i in range(2*num_perfect):

        #remove_idx = [False if i < (len(labels_train)-2*num_perfect) else True for i in range(len(labels_train))]
        labels_train[remove_idx] = np.nan
        not_removed = np.where(remove_idx==False)[0]
        not_removed = np.arange(len(labels_train)-2*num_perfect, len(labels_train))

        # make sure both classes have at least 1 labeled example
        if len(set(labels_train[not_removed])) != 2:

        if seed == 0 and count == 0:
            scatterplot_classes(not_removed, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_train, View2_train)

        ############## Single view semi-supervised learning ##############
        # Only once, since not affected by "num iters"
        if count == 0:
            accuracy_view1, accuracy_view2, accuracy_combined = single_view_class(View1_train[not_removed,:].squeeze(),


        ##################### Multiview ########################################
        gnb0 = LogisticRegression()
        gnb1 = LogisticRegression(solver=view2_solver, penalty=view2_penalty)
        ctc = CTClassifier(gnb0, gnb1, num_iter=iters)[View1_train, View2_train], labels_train)
        y_pred_ct = ctc.predict([View1_test, View2_test])
        acc_ct[count].append((accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred_ct)))

acc_view1 = np.mean(acc_view1)
acc_view2 = np.mean(acc_view2)
acc_combined = np.mean(acc_combined)
acc_ct = [sum(row) / float(len(row)) for row in acc_ct]
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
# make a figure from the data
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view1*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view2*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_combined*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_ct)
plt.legend(('View 1', 'View 2', 'Naive Concatenated', 'multiview'))
plt.ylabel("Average Accuracy Over {} Randomizations".format(randomizations))
plt.xlabel('Iterations of Co-Training')
plt.title('When Labeled Data is Extremely Clean\nCoTraining Outperforms Single Views\nbut Naive Concatenation Performs Better')

Performance when labeled data is not very separable

Here, the 2 class distributions are the following - Class 0 mean: [0, 0] - Class 0 covariance: .2eye(2) - Class 1 mean: [1, 1] - Class 1 covariance: .2eye(2)

Labeled examples are chosen to be far from their respective means according to a uniform distribution in 2 dimensions between .2 and .75 away from the x1 or x2 coordinate of the mean

randomizations = 20
N_per_class = 500
num_perfect = 2
uniform_min = 0.2
uniform_max = 0.75
view2_penalty = 'l1'
view2_solver = 'liblinear'

N_iters = np.arange(1, 202, 15)
acc_ct = [[] for _ in N_iters]
acc_view1 = []
acc_view2 = []
acc_combined = []

for count, iters in enumerate(N_iters):

    for seed in range(randomizations):

        ######################### Create Data ###########################

        view1_mu0 = np.zeros(2,)
        view1_mu1 = np.ones(2,)
        view1_cov = .2*np.eye(2)

        view2_mu0 = np.zeros(2,)
        view2_mu1 = np.ones(2,)
        view2_cov = .2*np.eye(2)

        # generage bad examples
        perfect_class0_v1 = view1_mu0 + np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)
        perfect_class0_v2 = view1_mu0 + np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)
        perfect_class1_v1 = view1_mu1 - np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)
        perfect_class1_v2 = view1_mu1 - np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)
        for p in range(1, num_perfect):
            perfect_class0_v1 = np.vstack((perfect_class0_v1, view1_mu0 + np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)))
            perfect_class0_v2 = np.vstack((perfect_class0_v2, view1_mu0 + np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)))
            perfect_class1_v1 = np.vstack((perfect_class1_v1, view1_mu1 - np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)))
            perfect_class1_v2 = np.vstack((perfect_class1_v2, view1_mu1 - np.random.uniform(uniform_min, uniform_max, size=view1_mu0.shape)))
        perfect_labels = np.zeros(num_perfect,)
        perfect_labels = np.concatenate((perfect_labels, np.ones(num_perfect,)))

        view1_class0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view1_mu0, view1_cov, size=N_per_class)
        view1_class1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view1_mu1, view1_cov, size=N_per_class)

        view2_class0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view2_mu0, view2_cov, size=N_per_class)
        view2_class1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(view2_mu1, view2_cov, size=N_per_class)

        View1 = np.concatenate((view1_class0, view1_class1))
        View2 = np.concatenate((view2_class0, view2_class1))
        Labels = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N_per_class,), np.ones(N_per_class,)))

        # Split both views into testing and training
        View1_train, View1_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View1, Labels, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
        View2_train, View2_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View2, Labels, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

        labels_train = labels_train_full.copy()
        labels_test = labels_test_full.copy()

        # Add the perfect examples
        View1_train = np.vstack((View1_train, perfect_class0_v1, perfect_class1_v1))
        View2_train = np.vstack((View2_train, perfect_class0_v2, perfect_class1_v2))
        labels_train = np.concatenate((labels_train, perfect_labels))

        # randomly remove all but perfect labeled samples
        remove_idx = [True for i in range(len(labels_train)-2*num_perfect)]
        for i in range(2*num_perfect):

        labels_train[remove_idx] = np.nan
        not_removed = np.where(remove_idx==False)[0]
        not_removed = np.arange(len(labels_train)-2*num_perfect, len(labels_train))

        # make sure both classes have at least 1 labeled example
        if len(set(labels_train[not_removed])) != 2:

        if seed == 0 and count == 0:

            scatterplot_classes(not_removed, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_train, View2_train)

        ############## Single view semi-supervised learning ##############
        # Only once, since not affected by "num iters"
        if count == 0:
            accuracy_view1, accuracy_view2, accuracy_combined = single_view_class(View1_train[not_removed,:].squeeze(),


        ##################### Multiview ########################################
        gnb0 = LogisticRegression()
        gnb1 = LogisticRegression(solver=view2_solver, penalty=view2_penalty)
        ctc = CTClassifier(gnb0, gnb1, num_iter=iters)[View1_train, View2_train], labels_train)
        y_pred_ct = ctc.predict([View1_test, View2_test])
        acc_ct[count].append((accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred_ct)))

acc_view1 = np.mean(acc_view1)
acc_view2 = np.mean(acc_view2)
acc_combined = np.mean(acc_combined)
acc_ct = [sum(row) / float(len(row)) for row in acc_ct]
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
# make a figure from the data
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view1*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view2*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_combined*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_ct)
plt.legend(('View 1', 'View 2', 'Naive Concatenated', 'multiview'))
plt.ylabel("Average Accuracy Over {} Randomizations".format(randomizations))
plt.xlabel('Iterations of Co-Training')
plt.title('When Labeled Examples are Not Representative\nCoTraining Does Poorly, as Expected')

Performance when data is overlapping

Here, the 2 class distributions are the following - Class 0 mean: [0, 0] - Class 0 covariance: .2eye(2) - Class 1 mean: [0, 0] - Class 1 covariance: .2eye(2)

Labeled examples are chosen randomly from the training set

randomizations = 20
N_per_class = 500
view2_penalty = 'l1'
view2_solver = 'liblinear'
class2_mean_center = 0 # 1 would make this identical to first test

N_iters = np.arange(1, 202, 15)
acc_ct = [[] for _ in N_iters]
acc_view1 = []
acc_view2 = []
acc_combined = []

for count, iters in enumerate(N_iters):

    for seed in range(randomizations):

        ######################### Create Data ###########################
        View1_train, View2_train, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_test, View2_test, labels_test = create_data(seed,

        # randomly remove some labels
        remove_idx = np.random.rand(len(labels_train),) < .99
        labels_train[remove_idx] = np.nan
        not_removed = np.where(remove_idx==False)[0]

        # make sure both classes have at least 1 labeled example
        if len(set(labels_train[not_removed])) != 2:

        if seed == 0 and count == 0:

            scatterplot_classes(not_removed, labels_train, labels_train_full, View1_train, View2_train)

        ############## Single view semi-supervised learning ##############
        # Only once, since not affected by "num iters"
        if count == 0:
            accuracy_view1, accuracy_view2, accuracy_combined = single_view_class(View1_train[not_removed,:].squeeze(),


        ##################### Multiview ########################################
        gnb0 = LogisticRegression()
        gnb1 = LogisticRegression(solver=view2_solver, penalty=view2_penalty)
        ctc = CTClassifier(gnb0, gnb1, num_iter=iters)[View1_train, View2_train], labels_train)
        y_pred_ct = ctc.predict([View1_test, View2_test])
        acc_ct[count].append((accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred_ct)))

acc_view1 = np.mean(acc_view1)
acc_view2 = np.mean(acc_view2)
acc_combined = np.mean(acc_combined)
acc_ct = [sum(row) / float(len(row)) for row in acc_ct]
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
# make a figure from the data
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view1*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_view2*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_combined*np.ones(N_iters.shape))
plt.plot(N_iters, acc_ct)
plt.legend(('View 1', 'View 2', 'Naive Concatenated', 'multiview'))
plt.ylabel("Average Accuracy Over {} Randomizations".format(randomizations))
plt.xlabel('Iterations of Co-Training')
plt.title('When Both Views Have Overlapping Data\nCoTraining Performs with Chance, as Expected')

Performance as labeled data proportion (essentially sample size) is varied

data, labels = load_UCImultifeature(select_labeled=[0,1])

# Use only the first 2 views as an example
View0, View1 = data[0], data[1]

# Split both views into testing and training
View0_train, View0_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View0, labels, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)
View1_train, View1_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View1, labels, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

# Do PCA to visualize data
pca = PCA(n_components = 2)
View0_pca = pca.fit_transform(View0_train)
View1_pca = pca.fit_transform(View1_train)

View0_pca_class0 = View0_pca[np.where(labels_train_full==0)[0],:]
View0_pca_class1 = View0_pca[np.where(labels_train_full==1)[0],:]
View1_pca_class0 = View1_pca[np.where(labels_train_full==0)[0],:]
View1_pca_class1 = View1_pca[np.where(labels_train_full==1)[0],:]

# plot the views
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,5))

ax[0].scatter(View0_pca_class0[:,0], View0_pca_class0[:,1])
ax[0].scatter(View0_pca_class1[:,0], View0_pca_class1[:,1])
ax[0].set_title('2 Component PCA of Full View 1 (Fourier Coefficients) Training Data')
ax[0].legend(('Class 0', 'Class 1'))

ax[1].scatter(View1_pca_class0[:,0], View1_pca_class0[:,1])
ax[1].scatter(View1_pca_class1[:,0], View1_pca_class1[:,1])
ax[1].set_title('2 Component PCA of Full View 2 (Profile Correlations) Training Data')
ax[1].legend(('Class 0', 'Class 1'))
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
N_labeled_full = []
acc_ct_full = []
acc_v0_full = []
acc_v1_full = []

iters = 500

for i, num in zip(np.linspace(0.03, .30, 20), (np.linspace(4, 30, 20)).astype(int)):

    N_labeled = []
    acc_ct = []
    acc_v0 = []
    acc_v1 = []

    View0_train, View0_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View0, labels, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)
    View1_train, View1_test, labels_train_full, labels_test_full = train_test_split(View1, labels, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

    for seed in range(iters):

        labels_train = labels_train_full.copy()
        labels_test = labels_test_full.copy()

        # Randomly remove all but a small percentage of the labels
        np.random.seed(2*seed) #6
        remove_idx = np.random.rand(len(labels_train),) < 1-i
        labels_train[remove_idx] = np.nan
        not_removed = np.where(remove_idx==False)[0]
        not_removed = not_removed[:num]
        if len(set(labels_train[not_removed])) != 2:

        if Reverse_Labels:
            labels_one_idx = np.argwhere(labels_train == 1)
            labels_zero_idx = np.argwhere(labels_train == 0)

        ############## Single view semi-supervised learning ##############
        gnb0 = GaussianNB()
        gnb1 = GaussianNB()

        # Train on only the examples with labels[not_removed,:].squeeze(), labels_train[not_removed])

        y_pred0 = gnb0.predict(View0_test)[not_removed,:].squeeze(), labels_train[not_removed])
        y_pred1 = gnb1.predict(View1_test)

        acc_v0.append(accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred0))
        acc_v1.append(accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred1))

        ######### Multi-view co-training semi-supervised learning #########
        # Train a CTClassifier on all the labeled and unlabeled training data
        ctc = CTClassifier()[View0_train, View1_train], labels_train)
        y_pred_ct = ctc.predict([View0_test, View1_test])
        acc_ct.append(accuracy_score(labels_test, y_pred_ct))

matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})

plt.plot(N_labeled_full, acc_v0_full)
plt.plot(N_labeled_full, acc_v1_full)
plt.plot(N_labeled_full, acc_ct_full,"r")
plt.legend(("Fourier Coefficients Only:\nsklearn Gaussian Naive Bayes", "Profile Correlations Only:\nsklearn Gaussian Naive Bayes", "Using Both Views:\nmultiview CTClassifier (default)"))
plt.title("Semi-Supervised Classification Accuracy with\nCTClassifier (default Naive Bayes)")
plt.xlabel("Labeled Data Proportion")
plt.ylabel("Average Accuracy on Test Data: {} Trials".format(iters))
#plt.savefig('AvgAccuracy_CTClassifier.png', bbox_inches='tight')
